“The wagon rests in winter, the sleigh in summer, the horse never”

Yiddish proverb

Fillmore Brand
Rebrand of a private equity real estate firm Fillmore Capital Partners LLC, after 1-to-1 interviews and workshops with teams and leadership.
Fillmore Brand
Fillmore Capital Partners
Petaluma, CA
Mission & identity
Brand & Logo
Web Design & Hosting

A series of companies without a core brand

Fillmore was back then a group of disconnected capital companes in healthcare, capital investment, hospitality, property management... They different teams ned to feel like thy were all one


Providing meaning to their 20th Anniversary

The company was celebrating 20 years of existence and they needed something trully meaninful to signal to both their clients and internal culture that there was positive change and positive evolution. A new umbrella name, with a new brand, a new website, anew spirit


A new company culture

We conducted a series of workshops with leadership and internal teams, we sent questionnaires, we interviewed leaders, and we worked with their Marketing team to craft a new identity for the company. This resulted on a new Mission Statement to provide them acorporate DNA for all their employees to rally on, a new Vision Statement to aim high, a new set of codified values, a set of slogans and headlines to use in their marketing efforts, a new brand with logo, colors, fonts, and a new brand guidelines published via a brand extranet to make all of it actionable.


Endorsements at

Fillmore Capital Partners


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