"Don't go where the path may lead, go where there is no path and leave a trail"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wayfinding Brand
A way in need of signage
Wayfinding Brand
Wayfinding Services LLC
Petaluma, CA
Brand & Logo

Make a name for yourself.

The founders of Wayfinding Services LLC wanted to fit within the executive coaching services industry, but they also wanted to own a personality that resonated with their own unique philosophy while avoiding a derivative me-too approach to their branding.


Show what makes wayfinding unique

By intimate knowledge of what made Wayfinding a unique combination of apparently unrelated expertises (in both physical health, and spaces that enable meaningful and rewarding interactions and experiences), we tapped into the main motivations of their founders and reflected such in the final mark.


A sense of roots and purpose

It was clear from the beginning that Wayfinding felt proud of its geographical origins and its ultimate mission to help others. From the first, we took a sense of roots in Sonoma, California, and from the latter, a passion for uncovering their clients’ personal paths. Way-finding is both the art of showing target goals but also of having a sense of place… Mountains have always been ancestral waypoints in any terrain, and getting from a beginning to an ultimate end is the ultimate goal of "purpose". The marriage of both came together in Wayfinding’s final brand.


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Wayfinding Services LLC


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